When the New Year starts, I am always filled with so much hope and motivation. But, as the days go by in January, I sometimes find myself falling into Alice’s Rabbit Hole. For me, I think the reason behind this lies in the fact that I hate to be stuck inside. It’s called Cabin fever. I know I have definitely turned into a bit of a home body since becoming a full time stay at home mom. But, there are still days when I want to get up and venture out into the world, whether it be to grocery shop or hit up the closest Target or Walmart. Some days I just need to get out and spread my wings. But, the colder it gets the more those plans tend to exist only in my head or penciled in my planner. The older I get and the longer I live in Georgia, I fear the cold, which now feels like it chills me to be the bone. I have never had a strong immune system, an unfortunate trait, I think I passed down to my babies. I dread being sick!! So rather than allow myself to turn into a Winter Weather Hermit, I came up with some tips to beat these Winter Blues.
Plan Plan Plan…
It’s easy to simply crawl into bed and pull the cover up around my ears. And, as divine as that sounds I am pretty sure that I would get NOTHING done, except maybe catching up on the movies on my DVR. So I plan out my day from Household Duties – Business Duties ( this Blog/Etsy/Social Media Stuff). For example, I know that I can get more cleaning and more writing done when the kids are at school.
Stock Pile…
Hoard… If you are going to go into semi- hibernation get the things you need or want to surround you. For me that is Coffee (the good stuff, and lots of it), Delicious Creamers, Warm Hearty Soups, Comfortable Socks, good reading material and even better music. Believe it or not these things can serve as inspiration on days when you really need some.
make yourself a priority…
It’s easy to put off getting your hair dyed, or your eyebrows arched when you aren’t going to a job everyday. But, you just can’t allow yourself to become a recluse. Set appointments for yourself that you DON”T waffle out of. It can be as simple as getting a much needed and well deserved pedicure. Lunch with a friend to catch up on life OUTSIDE THE HOUSE. A doctor’s appointment that you have been putting off. Something you know you have to do but don’t necessarily want to do. Make yourself accountable to you.
find your productivity window…
This can be a time period where you feel the most productive. It can be a certain spot that gets great light where you can write. It could be right after you work out. Just like with anything else, the key here is to know yourself. You know what colors look best on you or what styles you prefer to wear. You should also know when you are at your best and capable of your best work. In a regular 9-5 environment this is not as easy to achieve. But, when you are at home you have a little bit more flexibility. Work Smarter – Not Harder.
“Wisdom comes with winter.” — oscar wilde
I sure am glad that I live in Georgia now. I can’t imagine what I would do with more weeks of winter than what we currently have. What are your tricks to staying both productive and content during the Winter Months?