Every year on March 17th, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for St. Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland has become an international celebration of Irish culture. I will admit that I am not normally “gung ho” about St. Patrick’s Day, but aside from the fact that I enjoy Corn Beef and Cabbage, there are now so many family friendly activities centered around this holiday. From the grand St. Patrick’s Day parades to the local street festivals, there is more than enough to see, learn and participate in. And, if you happen to be kid free, there’s more than enough Green Beer to go around too. (Yuck, I hate beer, but to each his own, I guess.)
St. Patrick’s Day Attire: Don your Green attire, or risk getting pinched.
St. Patrick’s Day Traditional Irish Meals/Deserts/Cocktails: (Clickable Links)

Photo Source 1: ChewOutLoud.com 2: TasteFoodBlog.com 3: MarthaStewart.com 4: TheOdysseyOnline.com
Let your little ones get in on the action, and download your 2 Free St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Sheets.
For more St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Sheets follow this link here.