


Always looking for a way to both display my jewelry as well as keep it organized, I am always tickled pink by setups like this one.

I am always looking for a way to pack more into my day.  No matter, what I do, I could always think of more things I could have gotten done in my day.  So I am always reading articles about time management.

I am not all that interested in “Functional Fashion for my Refrigerator”.  But, I hate cleaning the Fridge.  Ick!! So these caught my eye.  Anything that makes my job easier. Working smarter, and not harder…. and all that jazz.

Even though we have a Fireplace in the Family Room, we rarely use it.  So it stays a little chilly down there, I have been on the hunt for a throw, that is both warm, and (sexy).  You know, one that makes my living room look we aren’t just Mommy and Daddy.  I love this one, but not the price, so I am still on the prowl!!

Finally, I love to put you all on… to blogs that I have recently fallen in love with. This isn’t a new one for me, but lately, she’s been back on my radar.  So check out the Polished Pebble.

Until next time…