As a Christian, I am always, always, always, reevaluating my walk with Christ. I mean lets face it to be like Christ, is no easy feat, I often feel like I am not doing enough. Basically, it is just me acknowledging that I am a work in progress. I fall down and get up.. like pretty much everyone else. But, the constant in my life despite has always been my faith.
That being said, if I were to tell you what my gift is, I probably would not saying preaching or ministry. But, as a Mom, I feel like it is my responsibility to share my faith with my children. Growing up religion/faith was taught to me in a very totalitarian way. There were very few gray areas or room for explanation and or deviation. I’m not condemning this way of thinking, but, it is is not how I wanted to share my faith with my own children. I wanted us to be able to talk about it and make sense of it together.
This year my oldest daughter started Middle School. Since, I do morning drop offs, after dropping off my youngest at elementary school , my older daughter and I would get to her school with about 20 minutes to spare before her day began. I had no idea that this window, which at first seemed like it would be a pocket of wasted time, would turn out to be such a blessing for the both of us.
She was transitioning from Elementary to Middle School, which means that she was already quite nervous about all the change. So we prayed about the transition, we prayed about her finding her way through this NEW BIG school. We prayed about her making friends and being happy. And, when we came up on some rough patches through the year, we prayed about that too. Then one morning I had a light bulb moment and started to search for Devotions for “Tweens”. I am not sure I actually expected that to be a thing, or to find one. But, I did. When the first book arrived from Amazon, we were both so excited. Almost every teen girl .. is equally as excited about the “tween” title. I skimmed through the book before our first reading together. And, I knew it would be a good fit for us.
So each morning after pulling into our Spot in the School Parking Lot, we took turns reading to each other from these devotionals and discussing it. Some days the discussions were deep, some days they skimmed the surface. Some days we didn’t read we just talked about things that were on our minds. But, I would not have missed this time for anything. And, at the end of the day. I feel like I was able to share with her something that could carry her through anything life had to offer, similar to what my Mom in her own way passed down to me.
These are the two books, that took us through this school year, the links below are clickable. Do you have any Teen/Tween Devotions that you loved and would like to share? Leave it in the comments below, we would love to check them out.
You’re God’s Girl – Clickable Link
For Girls Like You – Clickable Link