For the last seven years, Dobbie the Christmas Elf, also known as our Elf on The Shelf, has been a part of Our Christmas traditions. So you can imagine my shock and surprise when my seven year old told me that he scared her a little. Of all three of my kids, my youngest one is the one that I would describe as “fearless”, so hearing her say this really hit me hard. After all, Dobbie was meant to add to the Christmas Magic. Once I got myself together, I decided to talk to her some more and really get an idea of where her head was. And, that is when she said that she sometimes had nightmares about him. I knew then, that Dobbie would have to go.
Of course, how could I explain his departure, or just that he was not coming back this year? So we put our heads together and decided that we would write a letter to Santa, requesting to retire Dobbie and gift him to another family.
I am not sure if anyone else’s little ones are experiencing this. But, just in case, here’s the letter that we wrote to Santa. She is generally a very inquisitive child, and this managed to pass the “sniff test”.

Last year, we officially let our oldest daughter in on the fun, and made her the keeper of the Christmas Elf. It was her job to move him around, before her sister woke up in the morning. So she is a little sad to see him go. But, we thought it was best. So.. Goodbye Dobbie.. you served our family well, until you didn’t, lol.
In my humble opinion, being a parent is full of lots of wins and fails, not sure I won this one. But, I’m moving on. Hopefully, I am not the only one out here flailing from time to time.