I love HOT BREAKFAST!! But, I don’t necessarily LOVE to make it. I am absolutely not a morning person, and in the AM, I am most comfortable GRUMBLING until after I have had my STRONG COFFEE.

That being said, I don’t have the luxury of doing that anymore now that I have little ones to get up and get dressed. The other day a girlfriend of mine told me that she got guilt-ed into making breakfast for her kids when a coworker told her that she makes her kid’s hot breakfast EVERY DAY!! She went on to ask if my kids eat Oatmeal. Which they don’t and to tell me that she was preparing Oatmeal in her Crock Pot(that night), so that they could eat in the morning.
This got me to thinking about all the different meals that I could prepare for breakfast the night before. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not about to change into June Cleaver over night. But, I wouldn’t mind finding something I could throw in the Slow Cooker on a Friday or Saturday night, since I normally try to make Hot Breakfast for the Whole Family on the Weekend!!
We are pretty traditional when it comes to our Breakfast Foods. The usual, Turkey Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Toast or Biscuits. I sometimes get a little fancy, when afforded the luxury of sleeping in with omelettes and quiche, but not often, since I tend to be the only one eating it.
Soo… after doing some Pinterest Hunting, these are some recipes that I am putting in my arsenal. I am adding them to my Fall Bucket List, and will updpate you all on how Easy they are, but more importantly how they go over with the Fam!!
Do you cook breakfast in the Crockpot? What’s your go to Breakfast?
Crock Pot French Toast
Copy Cat Cracker Barrel Hash Brown Casserole
Breakfast Casserole –** I have already tried this one several times, but not in a while. I should tell you that it always RETURNS BIG REVIEWS. I have even taken it to work before for Department Breakfasts and everyone loved it!!