Getting & Keeping My Creative Juices Flowing

Getting and Keeping My Creative Juices Flowing

I am the first to say that I think everyone’s creative process is different.  But, there are some basic elements that are pretty universal.  Here are my go to’s to get it cranking…


For me, this is  the biggest component.  In fact, I dare say that all of the other things that I will list are going to fall into this category.

  1.  A Clean and Organized Space is A Must for Me.  Why?  Because I am easily, easily distracted.  A Messy Space for me means that I must clean it up.  Oh and organize it, before I can start on whatever task is at hand.  This is why it really is better for me to keep my space clean or nothing is getting done.  It’s a Cluster… You know the rest.
  2.  Coffee, Coffee, Coffee and More Coffee.  I do love coffee and it tends to focus me.  But, I am trying my best to cut down.  So I try to keep it under 2 cups a day and most days I succeed.  Of course with fall coming, I tend to consume much more.
  3.  A Plan.  I know here I go, list, list list.  I love a list, but I may love a plan more.  Having a plan in place the night before means that I have a measurable task list.  I have finally accepted that I don’t have but so much time in every day and week.  So making more manageable daily and weekly goals is paramount to my success. {Enter My Planner Addiction]
  4.  Music.  IS E-V-E-R-Y-THANG?  It makes the most mundane task seems less mundane, by making it a desk dance party.  And, for the more thought provoking work or things that I need to focus my attention I choose more soothing types of music.  If you were to go through my iTunes playlist, I think you would be surprised to find everything from Classical to Heavy Metal.
  5.  Checks and Balances  Almost as important as a plan is having a way to make sure that the plan is working.    For me, with blogging and our Etsy Store, this is strictly a numbers game.   It is about making sure that what we put out in terms of an advertising and marketing budget is worth it and still allows us to garner a profit.  This is also part of the reason that our store is ever changing as the market is ever changing.
  6.  Time for Mindless Browsing.  Now, I don’t think it’s mindless browsing, but if you were to saunter by my desk, you may think so.  But, my favorite way to move pass being blocked and spark some creativity ranges from Pinterest and Instagram, to ZGallerie and Pier 1 Catalogs.  And, I can’t forget my favorite magazines, Real Simple and Domino Magazine.

How do you get your creative juices flowing? I’d love to hear what your tips are for getting productive and staying that way.