2017 is OVER. Whether that hits you in the pit of your stomach like a ton of bricks, or you are overjoyed to see it go, it is done. Around this time of year, most people seem to get into retrospective mode looking back over the year on what they mastered or what they wished they had done differently. But, lets face it, the past is just that, the past. There certainly isn’t much you can do to recover whatever stones you have thrown at this time, which means that it is time to look forward. What are you expecting out of 2018? What goals are you setting for yourself, your business, your family, your spiritual life? Even more important than deciding what your intentions are, is laying the ground work for just how you are going to do that. Only you can decide exactly what that means. A vision board is a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life.
A couple of years ago, one of my girlfriends hosted a Vision Board Party, and as much as I loved the company, the insight it gave me into that year was immeasurable. Like everything else, only you determine how much detail and how much fun this experience will be or how to combine them both. Here’s a How to on Completing Your First Vision Board in Just Four Steps.
Step One: What are your Areas of Focus Going To Be For 2018? (For Example)
- Health/Fitness
- Family /Family Life
- Financial Security/Stability
- Spiritual Life
- Career
- Education
- Home Ownership
Step Two: How Can I Break My Areas of Focus Down Into Manageable Parts? (For Example)
- Health/ Fitness (Take 10,000 + Steps Daily) (Drink 64 oz of Water Daily) (Get 7 Hours of Sleep)
- Family/Family Life (Institute a Game Night) (Take Kids Out for One on One Dates)
- Financial Security/Stability (Set A Dollar Amount to Go Into your Savings Account Monthly) (Aggressively Pay Down Existing Credit Card Debt)
- Spiritual Life (Attend Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting) (Make Time for Daily Devotion)
- Career (Learn Something New Quarterly i.e. Continuing Education, or Software that can help you to advance in your field)
- Education (Realistically Plan Out Your Courses)
- Home Ownership (Take a First Time Home Buyer’s Class) (Find Out What you would Need to do to Sell your existing Home)
Step Three: Use Pictures, Wording and Other Graphics to Visualize Your Goals
Things You Can Use to Help with This Step:
- Magazines, Internet for Pictures, Quotes
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
- Tape
- Embellishments of Any Type (Washi Tape, Stickers,Quote Bubbles)
Step Four (Final Step): Pulling Everything Together
You know that I like things to be in a certain order, so here I would say put all like items together. but, it is entirely up to you.
Grab your supplies, and put it together, however you like. As a rule, I would say to put your Vision Board somewhere that you can see it and refer to it often. Jump in and Get started!!