5. Place purchases in the trunk, and out of view. Smash and Grabs are prevalent around this time of year. Not something you want to come back to.

I spent last night, writing the Kid’s Letter from Santa and getting them ready to send out to Anchorage, Alaska aka the North Pole. Check out the link at the bottom of the post for how to get your kid’s their very own Letter from Santa stamped from the North Pole.
There are only 41 days left until Christmas, and 16 days left until Black Friday. Whether you are going to be shopping up until the last minute or plan to make Black Friday your last official shopping day, its time to get started if you have not already.
This time of the year is always a busy one for my family, starting with my baby girl’s birthday, then my husbands’, then my Dad, then Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is a lot of money going out. So, I always try to catch the sales and get the items on my list for as little as possible, without sacrificing quality.
This year will be no different. Check out our Facebook page for useful coupons, tips, and Ads.
Check out our post from last year on Christmas Magic.
Looking for some Thanksgiving Inspiration – Check out the following posts from 2012!!
I was blessed with the scariest kids ever,(in other words they are afraid if their own shadows). Especially my oldest daughter, two years ago we took them both Trick or Treating. She was just 7 at the time. She absolutely hated the scary costumes and we had to eventually go home.
Last year she wanted nothing it do with Halloween so we skipped it and just handed out Candy. My youngest was 2 at the time and literally still had no fear.
Fast forward to this year and the arrival of witches as Halloween decor in our local Kroger. There was a precocious little boy who thought it would be funny to hit said witch and send her flying into the air. My little one was fit to be tied. I couldn’t get her out of that store fast enough and haven’t been able to get her to go back since.
I admit, last year I was glad to not have to deal with it. But this year feeling particularly festive, I was bummed that the girls weren’t interested. So I decided to get them excited about dressing up and thought they could at least hand out the Candy!! I got them excited and all dolled up. But, when the bell rang for the first time my oldest bolted up the stairs. She observed the rest if the night from her view on the Second Story Landing . I was able to engage the little one and she helped hand out Candy unless she saw a scary costume.
We ordered pizza for dinner and tried to make the night fun. But, I think the best part for them was the dressing up and the pictures. I hope we still made some great memories, and look forward to them getting older and having a better grasp on all that is Halloween!!