I can hardly believe that I’m 40 today. I have battled with this more than a little bit. I know that it beats all the alternatives ( i.e, not being alive). But, still I am not sure I’m ready to accept it. Each year has been a learning experience, teaching and un-teaching lessons. And, with each day I become more and more comfortable in my own skin and I grow more confident in who I am and the things that I want and need. But, there have been some important things that I learned during my 30’s.
- Being Called an Adult Doesn’t Make You One. People will not always live up to your expectations, and you will not always live up to theirs.
- Haste Makes Waste. Take your time. Think things through and be strategic whenever possible.
- Love Yourself First… Warts and All. Simply put, you can not expect others to love you if you do not love yourself and accept your own shortcomings.
- You Probably Don’t Know More Than Your Parents. Age affords you both experience and perspective. I can admit today that I still don’t know as much as my mother does. And her advice, unsolicited or not is usually sound.
- Trust Your Gut. I honestly believe for all intents and purposes you know a Lemon when you see one.
- Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Achieving Your Goals. I’ve done a lot of this. It is something that I am still working on, but I feel like I have gotten better over time.
- Struggle Builds Character. NO ONE wants to struggle. NO ONE wants to live in uncertainty. But, who you come out being on the other side of that struggle. Well, it can be amazing.
- It’s Not Over Until It’s Over. Whether you are 40 like I am today, or 70, if you have life and health and strength. It Ain’t Over!!
Just for fun, I thought I would share some of my favorite/relevant/age approriate quotes with you.

Photo Source: MediaWebApps
And, if you got this far, as a special thanks for celebrating my birthday with me, I am offering a 15% off coupon for my birthday. Coupon Code: thebig40 Today Only. So run by our Etsy Shop and save!!
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