I know you remember when spending the weekend or vacations at a hotel was a welcome treat. The only thing you really had to think about what was what to pack and for how long. Then, you became a Mommy and all of a sudden it seemed like every news program was feeding into your new found Mommy obsession with germs [esp. in hotels]. And then, in my case, you had a child that was allergic to daylight… (well, at least it felt that way) and had eczema and everything became a battle to avoid germs. Unless you are one of the lucky ones who live near all of your family and or can afford your own vacation home, hotels are a necessary evil. Now, don’t get my wrong I still enjoy my stays at swanky hotels with the hubby, but my mind is not so focused on little people during those trips.
Even though I know full well that this is probably a battle I can not win, there are some essentials that make these trips just a bit more manageable in my OCD Brain.
Lysol – I have a true love/hate relationship with Lysol. Of course I love the purpose that it serves, but ugh the smell. My compromise is the lemon scented one, it still has distinct undertones but I can handle it.
Disinfectant Wipes – Wipe down as many surfaces as you can that the kids will touch. Which if your kids are like mine, that is every thing, lol.
Baby Wipes – Cause you can’t wipe down everything
Ziplock Bags – Storage for pretty much anything.
Your Own Soap – I don’t know about you, but I hate most hotel soaps because they tend to be drying.
Pillow Cases – I sleep better knowing that the pillow cases we are sleeping on, have been washed by yours truly.
Flat Sheets – another OCD thing.
Garbage Bags – Hotel garbage bags are always TOO SMALL.
Snacks/Juice/Water – This one is just about saving you from the mini bar/vending machine prices.
Hand Sanitizer – For When All Else Fails.
I know I am not the only panicked Momma going through this. So I’d love to know what are your go to items for hotel stays with your little ones? Drop them in the comment section below, and if you know another Momma going through a similar struggle please share this post with them.
To read more about my adventures Road ‘Tripping” with Kids follow this link.