Your To Do List has gone from Line Items to Journal Entries. There is so much to do and just not enough time, or at least that is how it seems. Is your quest for perfection becoming a time suck and preventing you from being productive? Check out these 5 Simple Steps to get it all under control.
Planing and Preparation: It’s no secret that I love a list, and even more than that I love a good Planner. But, as with anything else spending an hour planning to do something that never gets done, serves no real purpose. Simply nail down what has to be done and move on.
Time Blocking: Now that you know what you have to do. How much time can you realistically afford to spend on each of your tasks? Separate your tasks into categories and then decide what the level of importance is. Then block your time accordingly and stay committed to it. Don’t let one task bleed over into the time you have allotted for something else. (I personally, struggle with this one a lot. Especially if I feel like I am on a role. But, I know that their are only so many hours before the girls are home from school, and then all bets are off.) For more information on Time Blocking or to Download a Free Printable that can help you with this. Check out Hey’s blog post Time Blocking 101.

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Rest: Even the most stimulating task starts to feel mundane after a while. It’s very easy to get caught up and let time pass you by. This is especially true for those of us working from home. Get up. Rest Your Eyes. Grab Lunch – Socialize A Bit. Even if it’s a particularly nice day outside and you would rather stay out and play or shop. You will be surprised that you will return with a renewed spirit.
Return to your tasks: This is possibly the most crucial step. You have to finish what you started. Even if you can’t get it all done in one sitting, make finite and future plans to complete them.
Celebrate Your Success: Your work day is over. This is the time to enjoy simple pleasures that could otherwise get you off track. For me that would be my personal Facebook Page, Words with Friends or Sims Free Play, anything that will draw my focus and my time away from what is important. Now, if you are Mommy, then it’s probably time to start your other full time job. So, feel free to start off with a glass of wine, since more than likely dinner is your responsibility. It’s ok. You’ve earned it.
What do you do to keep the wheels from falling off the bus??