Confession Time. I live with a Rolling To Do List that is totally separate from my Daily To Do List, My Monthly To Do List, and My Quarterly To Do List, I’m not proud of this of course. But, I call it rolling because it literally rolls from Month to Month. In my defense, although it is a rather large list, it is made up a ton of small things and projects. I am constantly seeing different things that I want to change or get done around the house.
So, I got the bright idea, since it was Spring Break and I wasn’t playing full time taxi driver, tutor and short order cook, that I would try to mark some of these items off of my list. Always the over achiever, the things that I thought I could get done over the break vs. what I actually got done, well… lets just say there was a marked difference.
But, I did manage to make a dent in my list…
1. I completed Our Family Photo Book for 2014. (I’ve been working on this since January 1st, I’m kind of a perfectionist & literally tried to fit as many pics as I could on each page.)

2. I printed out one of Our Own Printables, found here in Our Etsy Store and Framed it to go in the Master Bathroom. (So to answer a question many have asked, I do sometimes decorate with my own Stage Presents Stuff.)

3. Completed the Teacher Appreciation Gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Just one less things I will have to do next month. I saw this EOS Lip Balm Spring Printable Idea on the TaterTotsandJello blog and knew I had to have it. Click the Blog Name to go directly to the site.

4. Greenery of some sort in my Kitchen Window is a must during the warmer months. I have had the basil for a couple of weeks now, but wasn’t sure what to put in the second pot, I eventually settled on some succulents. I had some of these a while back, and didn’t do so well with them. So we will see how they fare this go round.

6. Lastly, my Pinterest Board is full of Cocktails and “Mock”tails that I always want to try, but never get a chance to. My original thought was to make a Bellini with Orange Sherbet. But, decided to try my hand at a “Mock”tail that I thought would work, and it was a Score. It only called for two ingredients, Mango Sorbet and Welch’s Sparking White Grape Juice, which doubles as Non-Alcoholic Wine. It was the perfect combination and a Good Idea for a Baby Shower, where you want a fab drink that is Alcohol Free.
Well, today is the last day of Spring Break here, so I am off to enjoy the little time we have left. Hope you had a Great Spring Break and have a Fabulous Weekend!!