Three Blogs:

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With the end of 2015 in sight, my interest are literally of all over the place. I am feeling the rush to accomplish all the things that I set out to do at the start of 2015. Tell me I am not the only one who gets caught in that hamster wheel? Don’t worry, I am not foolish enough to think I will fit it all in the weeks that are left. But nonetheless, I will give it the good ‘ol college try. So today’s three blogs are inspiration based, while being relevant to whats going on in my life these days. Blog #1 is full of Recipes, DIY and Decor Ideas for every Holiday. Blog #2 is full of ways to Organize your Home, plus much more. Blog #3 is full of things relevant to a Mom of Teens or Tweens, including an Awesome SmartPhone Contract. Follow the links to get a taste of what they each have to offer. These are definitely worth saving in your Blog Readers.
Echoes of Laughter
Polished Habitat
My Crazy Good Life
Two Faves:

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Toothbrush Organizer: I love the fact that this offers both storage and ventilation and maybe means when we have company, I don’t have to put up the toothbrushes in the guest bathroom, I can just close it and move it out of the way.
Stick Up Weekly Calendar: Super Easy way to stay Organized Stick it In Your Planner, On Your Family Calendar, even the kids can use it to stay on point.
One Freebie:

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Give Thanks Thanksgiving Printable: Download Yours Here.
We Made It Ya’ll. Another Week is Over and I am off to Celebrate with My Hubby for his Birthday. Enjoy your Weekend with the ones you love!!